My weekday gang was back for a painting for Grandma! Mom said she loved warm colors and her house had a Tuscan vibe. So we worked with a 15 by 30 in. canvas for the space and began to create a field of poppies in the Tuscan countryside! We used artist Paolo Bigazzi's creations for our painting inspiration!

"E" and "K" were up first..."E" used a brush and painted in the base of the field color.

For this painting, finding a good spot for hand painting was a little more of a challenge. We put little "K"'s hand painting skills to use by giving her hands darker shades to rub around in the field. And....she nailed it.
Brother and sister, adding a base together!

You did ALL THIS "E"!

Umm, "K" had just washed up, and came back for her picture. And plopped those hands right on the wet paint again. Classic!
Now "L" and "J" came over to work on the next details. I outlined areas for the poppies, and "L" dotted them in the mid ground of the painting.
While "L" dotted away, I had "J" come to work on the sky and background mountain.

"J" did a beautiful job with that sky!

Next up, "J" started the mountain.
Doing great you two!

A little bit of the background again....

Nice work "J"!
Now "L" worked on the foreground flowers.
I would make dots of red and showed her how to add petals once, and then she was off!

As she worked, I realized that the midground flowers were taken down a little far. Easy fix for next week though!
Now "L" moved up to the house to do the shrubs around it with greens.
I showed her how to create a tree shape on a separate sheet of paper and she did a beautiful job with them!

And it's a wrap for today!

For session 2, I had gone over some of those midground flowers with the yellows and then added dots in for "L" to paint and bring the foreground flowers up higher. This is where we started today. "L" went right back to adding petals onto all the dots there for her!
She also painted over some of the grass reeds she had put in last week with flowers.
Then she added small amounts of red for some more detailing. Next up was the house. "L" filled in the 2 roofs with a terra cotta.

Loving this painting!

Then "L" added a lighter shade to the roof and painted in the sides of the home darker, and front light. Her final step was the windows and then back to the flowers.

Small black dots in the middle of the flowers! Lovely!

And some green shrubs in front of the house. I love her cute face of concentration.
Then both she and "J" did some small touch ups and it was time to sign the painting!

Thanks kiddos! I'm always excited to see you and what we create! Until next time! I left in all the pics of our photo shoot because the "out-takes" are so adorable! "K" looking up...awesome!

Silly pose!