Okay, this painting is amazing. The picture quality is NOT! Without natural light, I apparently can't photograph! This beauty was finished in the evening hours so I seriously struggled! I'm going to argue that the painting makes up for that. It was done by 3 siblings, the youngest is an eighth grader, then a senior in high school, and the final canopy was done by the oldest is who was the first painter I worked with that came over in dress clothes after work (internship). He will be finishing UWW after this fall. This family is super artistically talented (obviously!) in music and arts but this was the first time they really delved into acrylics. I completely enjoyed watching the painting progress and working with all of them.
8th grader "M" was first up, and she was hesitant to start. I had her begin with the sky so that she could feel more comfortable working with the media.
Then, after her confidence with the paint was better established, we moved to painting the barn. We discussed shadowing, blending, and paint techniques to achieve the right look. Then she went to it!
Here is where we wrapped after her first session. For session 2 we moved into more details (eagles, flag, etc.) and then a base color grass.
First up was the foliage by the barn. Don't worry, the flag was taped off to preserve it!
Hmmm...I realize I snapped a lot of pics of the painting itself, but only have a hand of the artist....I improved upon it on our following meetings!
Okay, now I was contented. This picture is such a better capture of the foliage than the one at the top of the blog story!
And painting is complete! Just wow. Beautiful! Watching this come together was so fun. I love that this painting captures mom's favorite place! Enjoy it for years to come!