I knew he wanted the mitt, the emblem, and some bats in his image, so that was all sketched in and ready for him to paint. We started with a solid background, protecting the other parts of the painting.
Here "N" is enjoying the tape removal process. Then we worked on the bats, and discussed how to use the brush to imitate a wood pattern.
Next up was the mitts, where we had the discovery that they form an M and a B. New knowledge for both of us!
I gave "N" the choice if he would like me to outline areas for him to fill in, and he took it, so while he outlined in yellow, I outlined in blue for him to fill in.
Working from top to bottom.We were chatting away, and I noticed his adorable painting stance and had to snap a picture! So cute!
I had a blast with this guy! Have a great school year "N", and I bet there is a perfect spot for your painting at home!