Monday, November 26, 2012

Chalk It Up...

Okay, lets be honest....not EVERYTHING our little artists do is priceless!  
They need a place to create, and CHANGE their artwork...and I don't think it should just be on paper.   That is why I wholeheartedly believe EVERY home should have a chalkboard in it!   Remember all that wall space I had/have?   Well, I devoted one of those walls solely to a large chalkboard with chalk paint, white paint, some wood trim from Menards, and a helpful husband to see the project through.  
 Step 1: Paint, many coats of chalk paint.
 Step 2:  Paint the trim to desired color .
 Step 3:  Have husband measure, cut, and screw in the trim to the wall,
and there you have it, a forever changing piece of wall art, used for many purposes.   In the summer it usually lists mom's plan for routines, and chores, and then somehow gets wiped away to, well, more fun this....

The last couple months, art has been used to campaign, desperately, for a new family member.  Here are some (and really, only SOME) of the examples of campaign posters adorning our doors and hallways...

Please, mom and dad- have mercy on the mis-treated pets. 
Okay, so the spelling needs some work,
but the research was intense!

And here is what happens to our magnificent chalkboard during these intense campaigns....

 Yes, every family needs a chalkboard!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Christmas Countdown

Children LOVE to draw Christmas scenes!  Here are some examples of fun Christmas artwork...but the possibilities are endless.  What does your child like to draw?

This is a great way for your kids to paint their OWN Christmas countdown AND
write in the days to Christmas themselves with chalk. 
They have an interactive masterpiece when everything is completed! 
 I can make these with your child for $20.00 TOTAL cost! 
That includes all supplies, canvas, art session,
and the lettering and chalkboard signs put on by me.  
The Christmas Tree is something every child loves to draw and "decorate"! 
Great for all ages. 
My 6 year old made and decorated the tree and then helped with the presents too...
then I put on the lettering and painted the chalkboard,
so he can do the countdown by himself each day. 
Starting the process...
A little bit of wet paint is still on this one!   The child
makes the snowman, then I add the signs later.

 Another idea....

Friday, November 23, 2012

Simple family tree

When it comes to decorating my home, I want it to have purpose and meaning.   So, a few years back, I decided to make my own family tree.   I found this excellent template and guide for making a beautiful tree on Martha's web-site.   I think she just recently re-introduced the concept but the idea has been on her website for quite awhile....anyway...I love it!

For others, I can make the template for you,
ready for you to add the names.  
I used labels and pins for putting up the families instead of the template for labels she provides.  And yes, the frame is refurbished.

Have an Art Party!

Do your little ones love art?   
For my twin's 8th birthday, they requested an art themed party, which I LOVED putting together!   Here is what we did (and you can too...use my ideas or hire me to come to your house and do something similar)! 

The first activity was a 3-d
painting.  We started with
small canvases and painted
them entirely blue.


So into their projects!

Time to add the green grass and flower stems....

Our final step was using glue, flowers, and sparkle jewels to embellish the masterpiece.  Every girl needs some sparkle!

Next on the party list:  facepainting and plays...we wanted to hit all the creative arts that day!  We split the girls into groups and gave them a bag of props to create a show for the other group.  While one group practiced, we facepainted the audience.  Here are some results of the facepainting.


After the plays, we made bracelets, did cake and gifts, and ended the party with cookie decorating.  The girls went home with their own art work AND a large cookie to share...or not!

Happy Birthday girls!

The pictures we made are still hanging in the girls' room today...a great reminder of a fun day!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Garage Sale Shopping: Tip #1

If you have been reading my posts, you know I love a good thrift shop deal.   Today, I thought I would share a helpful hint for those of you who want to shop for a good bargain.

Let your children dress themselves.  
My kiddos and I headed out to an advertised garage sale to purchase an outdoor gazebo for our patio one rushed morning.  "Get dressed kids!  Time to go!"  and off we went.   The prized gazebo was there, and when I asked the seller how much the lovely lady said, "$50.00" then paused, smiled, and said, "Well, $25.00 is fine!"   Wow!  What a steal.  I accepted and came home elated....then looked at my daughters for the first time that day...I mean REALLY looked.   I then realized there was a very strong likelihood that I scored the great deal because my children looked like street urchins.   Thank you little orphan Annie's.  Thank you.

It's a hard knock life.

And to the lovely and generous woman who sold me the gazebo (whoever you are), I just want to assure you, we purchased the gazebo for our home, not to be our home.  Oh well.

I also have to show off my treasures!  I found these for $1.00 a piece last week...  LOVE THEM!   They will adorn my Thanksgiving and Christmas tables.  
Just need to find lamp oil! 
Happy thrifting! 

After Thanksgiving Day, I will be posting some great ideas for hosting an art themed party,
creating a family tree, and making use of chalk paint.    Happy Thanksgiving! 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

But he's not an artist!

Meet "E".  There are 2 facts you can deduce from this photo.  1.  He needs a haircut like NOBODY'S BUSINESS and 2.  He's just not that artsy.   This is a boy who would more likely be found outdoors karate chopping and ninja kicking the air over holding a paint brush.  In fact, I took this picture because of his overgrown hair "hat head."

But I have noticed a change in him this kindergarten year.   He actually WANTS to TRY.  Maybe its the fact that after seeing his big sisters with some form of brush, marker, crayon, or pencil in their hands from the moment they could hold it, he's finally taken notice.  More likely, it is because he sees his friends coming in and out of our house creating unique masterpieces and he wants some of the action.   Either way, he voiced his desire to try out his inner artist.   I scheduled a high class lunch date with him and over spaghettios, we discussed his interests.  

"What do you like to draw?"

"Pirates.  Happy ones.  Plus I'm good at drawing pirate ships."

We were ready.   Here's what my NON-artist created for his own room, with pride, right before he took off out the door to play superhero...
First we drew the picture of "happy pirates" and started painting the sky.  You can see that I painted over the original print, but we had to work around the matte board.

"Happy Pirates"

See buddy, you can do art!  A reminder everyday in his room.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Birch Trees..."My kids did that?"

We did remove the white splotch before mom saw it....

 Oh, my dear friend, "K", how I love you and your kids.    This mom was redecorating her living room and had a vision for her wall art.   She sent me images of birch trees and had color ideas in mind as well.   We talked about size and decided to go with a large 3 ft by 3 ft canvas,  so we skipped the thrifting this time and ordered a brand new canvas to meet our needs.   Next, I painted it charcoal and then, drawing on inspiration from some birch tree images, I made a loose sketch of tree outlines.    Then, my Little Picassos arrived.  

Creating this art project was so great!   "H" and I looked at our inspiration image and talked about what colors and shapes we saw in the trees.   Then, we started painting.   "H" followed my directions and put a light coat of white in various spots on the canvas.  I'm sorry I didn't take pics of the process!  I'm still learning too!   After her first coat, she went back over it and thickened it to make them really stand out, then I mixed up some grays.   I showed her some brush stroke techniques and we talked about how to make knobs on the trees and add more definition....then, I pointed out areas for her to shade.   After shading, we counted knobs of trees and looked at about where they were, and then she painted the knobs.  I would go over her knobs with a foam brush to soften them and add a little dimension.   Once we had the trees done, we hung it up on the wall and all gasped!  

The kids' reaction:
"Wow!  They look so real!"  

Watching the excitement in my artists' faces is a true joy.   We then added a few background trees in gray, and called in her 5 year old sister to add the green.   "N" took direction from me as to where to place the green, then when she finished, I took a brush and softened out the "leaves".   I also added some branches to give it more depth.   Then, I hung it up.    Showing their mom and dad was so great!  Thank you to this family for another great experience!

I like it on my wall....I think I could convince "K" to let me keep it!
Thank you Little Picasso's!
"K" took this picture with the birch tree masterpiece propped in front of her stove to show its size.  Here is what she said, " I have it up against the oven to show its size. Jill is a genius! She taught my girls through this painting. Yes, H (7) and E (5) painted this. Yes, I'm bragging. :)

Family Portrait Masterpiece- the story behind the art

Working with this mom and her boys was ridiculously fun!   She had repainted her house and pulled all her framed artwork off of her walls.   What to do with everything?   My first suggestion was simple, to show her the magical brilliance of spray paint.   We used white and black spray paints to give her wooden frames a face-lift and then re-hung them in various spots around the house.   So easy!   Next, we headed to, yes, a local thrift store and found a MASSIVE print.  It was almost 5 feet long!    My friend has a gift for finding a deal and the day we went shopping the store was offering a senior discount.   She called her mom-in-law and asked how old she was.   We made her day, because, quite frankly, we didn't think she was old enough to qualify as a senior.   She did though (it's okay "P", you know who you are, and you so look 30!), so the frame was purchased at 25% off and my friend paid around $35.00 for it!   What a STEAL!   The art was blocks/cubes and black and reds.  We actually just painted over the picture and left the frame because it looked nice for our purposes.  
Next, she couldn't decide what to have her little artist paint.   In this case, I like to suggest things for my artists to draw to give us inspiration.  "Let me see a family portrait, let me see a house, tree, ect."    Both mom and I ADORED the family portrait he drew.  We were especially in love with his sister's curly cues!    So, the project was born.   Here it is, nearly completed....

Oh, was this fun!  It took a few times to complete, and a few "paint-overs", but as it came together, it was just so darling!   One mis-hap was after "W" painted his mom's hair, he went to paint his, "because we have the same color hair".   A 6 year old's fine motor skills don't always paint the way they draw.   His little hands ended up creating a hairstyle pretty much identical to the mom's.   You should have seen his face!  "Umm, my hair looks like a girl's!"   Priceless!   That's when I show them how easy it is to erase with a small coat of paint.    I helped him out with the sizing and placement of the people.  This is a difficult task for a child, especially on such a large canvas.  (Quite frankly, it can be difficult for an adult too!).  I also sketched in the tree trunks for him as a guide to help fill the painting.   His little sister is still a baby/toddler, so when he drew her small size, she was "floating".  Super cute, but we decided to paint a swing for her to sit on as well.   Because it is hard for a six year old to paint in detail what they draw, I would paint/trace areas that were difficult for him....if you notice the curls of the little sister, you see one brown blob painted by my 6 year old picasso, and then little curly cues which I paint/traced from his sketch.  

Did I mention we had help?  Our youngest helper (little brother, wearing an orange shirt in the portrait because, "orange is his favorite color"), came over on the last day to paint some grass and fill in leaves.   What I LOVE about the painting is that mom can tell which ones this little guy did, and you probably can too!   Hint:  This age paints in blobs :)  LOVE IT!  We had one more detail to add before it was completed though....the background was so similar to the skin tone that I wanted to make more of a distinction so I outlined the faces....very minor, but helpful.

You can see the outlines here, as it is up on the wall in "W's" house.   Great work Little Picasso!  
Look at how proud he is!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Seasonal Artwork

Once my kids got to a certain age, decorating the house for seasons became a BIG deal!  Who knew?   They can't wait to get out Easter eggs, pumpkins, or snowflakes, depending on the season.   Why not let your kids have a spot in your house to switch out seasonal artwork?   We just started this with Autumn, and will soon be placing the "Winter" picture up....once we create it! 

First we used a dark background and sketched some pumpkins.
We wanted vibrant fall colors for painting.

After finishing touches, we added the lettering embellishments.

Proud artist!