Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Cats and Daisies and boys! Oh My!

I would like to introduce "M" and "B".  Two fun brothers, ready to paint!   This is a Christmas gift for grandma.   Mom took lots of pictures of her cat, Squirrel,  for us to use as a subject.  Grandma also loves daisies, so the cat would be hanging out in the lovely field of flowers!  FUN!  Here we go!
"M" started out with the sky...and gave me a very serious look....what's this lady doing taking my picture?

Okay, now he was used to it!

Adding the grass in straight lines.

Lots of shades for a pretty grassy field...

And done!  Here it is upside down,

And right side up!

Nice work little "M"!   You gave us a GREAT base for our painting!   
 Next up was 10 year old "B" for the daisies and cat!

"B" loves to draw details so we saved the details for him!  We started with the daisies.  I had sketched them in and he began painting in the petals.

There was lots to paint!

"B" was so easy to talk to!  Such a friendly boy!

Next up were the yellow middles...

Now we added the base color to the cat.

We also started some detailing so I could see what "B" could do and how I could better help him.

Putting in some base colors for the cat.

You can see the picture we used for the image of Squirrel the cat.  It was important to capture his black fur that started on his head and went through his tail.  Also, his dark paws...

Trying out some techniques for fur.

GREAT start to the cat "B"!  See you next time to finish!

For our second session, I had painted in an outline to help "B" know where to paint in details for Squirrel's face.

Light colors in...

Thickening that fur!

"B" had a good eye for seeing where to add specific details to the cat.  It was fun to compare the photo to his painting.

Time for those eyes...

And whiskers!  Not an easy task, you did great "B"!  Also, you did the tail so well!

Finally, we added in some grass to cover up the cat's legs.

"B" also put in stems for the daisies.

I love the final result!  So good!  What a special gift for grandma from her sweet grandsons!

Great work boys!  Grandma's favorite flowers and her much loved cat too!    I can't wait to hear what she thought of it!  See you both soon for your next painting present!

Goofing around!


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