Monday, January 6, 2014

The Beach

These three gems of kids (ages 8, 11, and 14)  were back after Christmas to make a painting of a special photo for their mom!  YES!  Finally, mom gets to keep one of their creations!   Here's the gorgeous painting- recreated from the photo image below....

Base man and camo beanie wearing "P" was back first, working on the sky,

then the far off ocean water.

You can see where he filled in the water where the waves would break as well.

First painting for them to paint in the sides!

Then I told "P" to get rid of the paint on the brush in this area...older sister would fill it in more later.

Now the sand.  He looks so pro-artist in his beanie!

Some blending here.  
And yep, you nailed it again "P"!

Now "M" came over to do the waves and clouds.  She used a dry brush with white to create the breaking waves.

I would paint some water on the canvas and then have her go over it with paint to blend in the colors of the water hitting the beach.   She was a master blender!

Now our next layer of waves...

"M" also painted over my pencil line to show where the water hits the beach.  Then she went back to blending the water.  LOTS OF blending!

Here again, I wet the paint and she went over it with light "squiggly" :) strokes
 to create movement in the water.

Look at her great work!

Now some touch ups, and finally the clouds...

Awesome work "M"!   I had so much fun with you and "P" today!

Okay, this is a GREAT painting to work on during a freezing cold spell in January!

Overnight, I sketched in Grandma and Grandpa for "E" to paint in.   Then "E" came over and worked on them the next day.   She started with the skin tones first.   This being her 3rd painting with me, she was able to work independently with the image of G and G on the laptop in front of her.   So I did some other art projects this afternoon and we just hung out, painted, and relaxed today!  The only thing I really helped her with was paint colors- and Grandma's hair, right "E"?  :)

It was obvious early on that this would look amazing!

Looking at the picture image....

Such a chill day!  At the beach, and at my place!

Filling in Grandma's suit- awesome work with blending "E"!

Now was Grandma's hair- I wish I captured all phases of her hair highlighting!

And here is cute (and cold) "E" with the amazing finished product.   I'm so excited for your mom to have this painting hanging up in your home!   Excellent job to all of you!

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