Our first meeting was all about background. 8th grader, "S" sponge painted the entire background with a variety of greens, and yellows to achieve a hazed look for the background. Here she is starting out.
"S" commented on how you wouldn't think a background could take so long! It's true though- every part of the composition takes time and thought to achieve the look you want. I had put in marks so she knew approximately where to do lights and darks, but I really stressed blending while the paint was wet to give it that misty look.
And we wrapped our first session! The background was gorgeous! I couldn't wait to add in the iris!
Session 2:
Today was completely different for "S" as she used brushes and lots of blending to create the iris. I'm naming my small detailing brush after her! Her brush of choice :)
I had mixed the colors for her and she followed the pencil sketches and used a photograph of an iris to achieve the look of the petals. I was very impressed with her precision and blending with the brush. She was able to achieve gorgeous results! You can see it all coming together in these pictures.
As an eighth grader, with a natural eye and ability to blend beautifully, she was able to really give a dimensional look to her iris without much guidance on my part. "This is so relaxing!" So true "S", painting is definitely a great way to slow down and relax!
This painting was a true labor of love! "S" really focused and took her time on this painting! It paid off!
adding in browns around the flower buds.....
Time for stems! You can see my sketches where she would mix her greens to create the flower stems now.
We stopped with the iris stem today and would meet one more time for the rest of the grass and foliage to complete the painting.
Session 3:
Today was our final meeting. This time I got "S"'s paints ready and we talked about blending techniques to add value and dimension to the grasses. I showed her some techniques on a small canvas and then let her go! Then I painted on one end of my counter while she painted on the other. She didn't need me looming over her :) so we just painted, and talked, and relaxed-so much that I forgot to take pictures until she had finished her green foliage! OOPS! Didn't she do an amazing job though?
"S" holding her brushes of choices, all the small ones!
Okay, does this painting REALLY have to leave my home?????
"S"- this painting still just takes my breath away! I'm sure your Grandma loves it! Thanks for all the hard work and fun company!
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