Next up in Grandma's Christmas plan was "M". "M" and Grandma brainstormed for the perfect gift idea for mom and "M" chose out a close up of a sunflower for her Christmas gift painting. We met to create a beautiful close up and this talented 9 year old artist did a wonderful job!
First I had him implement "credit card painting" (pro artists use palette knives to create texture but old plastic credit cards work well too!)
I asked "M" to mix the paints with the credit card and fill the background, going in different directions.
It was looking great! You can see my sketch was in for the flower close up so he knew
where it would be placed.
Next we used pointillism techniques to create the sunflower middle. He dotted with the paint brush around the outside of the circle to begin.
Then used darker shades for the middle.
Now I asked him if he would like to paint the outsides or have me, and he opted for me to provide the outlines. I used a thin brush to outline and then taught him how to use deep to light shades to create depth with shading. He was off, and definitely a natural!
"M" chose out the stem color- a brighter shade green. Good choice!
Awesome! All that was left was to thicken the yellow paints over the stem, so we took this pic, waited a bit and then added another coat of yellows and called it a wrap!
Remarkably beautiful! I bet mom will love it! I sure do! And "M" you are such a sweetie and a talented artist! Glad we'll be doing another painting together too!
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