Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Safari

This Safari scene has been such a joy to work on with these four siblings!   I love the colors and the beautiful result that such young artists were able to create!   I had lots of fun with these adorable kids!  Read on to see how a 1 year old through an 8 year old created this painting with some help from me!


The lucky mom of these four sweeties had learned about Little Picassos through a mutual friend, and was excited to have her kids paint.  They love Africa and decided a safari scene would be fun for everyone.  The idea also lent itself to everyone having a unique part in the painting.   So we were set!

On our first meeting, I started with 3 year old "E" and oldest sister "L" who would be helping out "E" with some parts of the background.   "E" was so adorable and so careful and into this painting.

I'm SO SO happy to have captured this picture.  I LOVE how he would concentrate with his tongue sticking out.  SO classic kid!  Adorable!

Since 3 year olds tend to forget about the sides of the canvas, "L" was a perfect help to making sure they were painted as well!

Back and forth we go!  Making long lines!

A good close up of the tongue concentration!

And "E", you have finished!   "ALL THIS"!   Good work!  "L", we couldn't have done it without you too!

Here "E" is, demonstrating, "ALL THIS!"  So cute!

Next up was 6 year old "J",  whose having some big things happening!  He can ride a two wheel, loves math, and is a lego fan...painting is, well, okay.  :)
 I outlined the background mountains for him to paint in and he was off!

So far, so good, "J"!

And then we moved on to the watering hole....

Next we would add grass and "L" come back to help out....

"J" acknowledged painting fatigue at about this time, but "L" was totally into it, so we kept on!

I was pretty excited about how the painting looked for the first meeting!   Tribeca worked out well because we just traded kiddos back and forth from the painting room, to the upstairs.  Perfect for four painters!

Great Job kiddos!

 Session 2:

 I had pencil sketched some trees and animals to add in today.  So "J" got to start with the trees....

I used dot to dot with him to help with straight painted lines.

Very nice!

Okay!  The big moment for little "K"!  One year old "K" was our foliage girl!  Green hand ready, and mom and I were too!  Thanks "L" for snapping pictures!  "K" was a rockstar painter and I'm glad we captured it!


Now "E" came back to add in some more color...and also thumbprint paint some more leaves in.

I had "E" use a dry brush to smear the paint a bit, but I still wanted the handprints to be seen too....I think we got the perfect result...

Now "L" was my final artist....getting to do the animals.  I asked her if she would like a paint trace, and she declined.  "L" was really into this project.  So fun!  She outlined herself, and then filled in the base colors of both the elephant and giraffe!

We decided to add in another tree and some more animals to fill the we got "K" messy again, and added that third tree today.  I would sketch in the new animals between our sessions.

We called it a day!  Until next session- more animals for "L"!   I love these pictures of the four of them!    SO happy and sweet!

Session 3:
Today "L" and I worked on a baby elephant and another giraffe...and added detailing to the first two animals we put in.  She was able to paint in my pencil sketches.

And now the fun giraffe spots!

Baby elephant details!

And we wrapped until next time!

Session 4:
Our final session!  I have to say, I was sad for a few reasons, to send the painting home, and to not see these kids and their mom every week!   I'm so thankful for the friendships I make through Little Picassos!   

Today "L" would complete the final giraffe and add some more grasses to the painting.  Then we would call it done!

Some more grass in.....

and sponge painting by the giraffes...

And it's a wrap!   

Everyone signed, even "K" (with help from mom!)

And a final photo op with the gang!   Thanks for your hard work kiddos!  Enjoy your great safari painting!  
 I will see you again for more projects in the future!

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